
The starman library provides implementation of algorithms commonly used to estimate state and to track targets over time in the presence of noisy measurements.

Those wanting to dive in and see what is supported may take a look at the Programmer’s Reference for all the gory details.


Starman provides a Kalman filter implementation which can be used to track the hidden true state of a linear system over time given zero or more noisy measurements for each time step.

A Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother (RTS) implementation is provided which, when combined with the Kalman filter, can produce very smooth estimates of state. Unlike the Kalman filter which provides an estimate of state for each time step based only on measurements up until that time step, the RTS smoother requires all measurements to have been recorded.

For associating multiple measurements per frame to multiple targets, an implementation of the Scott and Longuet-Higgins feature association algorithm is provided. This algorithm can be used to “join the dots” when tracking multiple targets.

Why “starman”?

Starman implements the Kalman filter. The Kalman filter was used for trajectory estimation in the Apollo spaceflight programme. Starman is thus a blend of “star”, signifying space, and “Kalman”. That and “kalman” was already taken as a package name on the PyPI.